● 个人简介
海南大学海洋科学与工程学院副研究员。于2020年6月在吉林大学化学学院获得理学博士学位,随后进入东南大学能源与环境学院开展博士后研究工作;2023年12月加入海南大学田新龙教授“海洋清洁能源创新团队”,主要从事碳基功能材料、电催化海水提铀等方向研究。目前已在Chemical Engineering Journal、Journal of Colloid and Interface Science等国内外学术期刊上发表SCI论文20余篇,获得国家授权专利3项,主持国家级项目2项。
● 研究方向
1) 电化学海水提铀
2) 碳基功能材料
3) 生物质资源利用
● 科研项目与课题
1.国家重点研发计划(2023YFB4203700), “生物质液体燃料生产过程木质素剩余物创制先进能源材料关键技术”子课题, 2023-12 至 2027-11, 70万元,主持
2.国家自然科学基金青年项目(52106229),“熔盐热解生物质生成二维形貌多孔炭的机理研究”, 30万元,2022.01~2024.12,主持
● 论文与专著
1. Beichen Xue, Jiahuan Xu and Rui Xiao*, Ice template-assisting activation strategy to prepare biomass-derived porous carbon cages for high-performance Zn-ion hybrid supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal 454 (2023) 140192.
2. Beichen Xue, Chaozhen Liu, Xiaofeng Wang, Yi Feng, Jiahuan Xu, Feng Gong* and Rui Xiao*, Urea-boosted gas-exfoliation synthesis of lignin-derived porous carbon for zinc ion hybrid supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal 480 (2024) 147994.
3. Beichen Xue, Jiahuan Xu, Yi Feng, Mingyang Ma, Rui Xiao* and Xiaofeng Wang*, Morphology engineering of biomass-derived porous carbon from 3D to 2D towards boosting capacitive charge storage capability, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 642 (2023) 736-746.
4. Beichen Xue, Jiahuan Xu and Rui Xiao*, Synthesis of hierarchically porous carbon with tailored porosity and electrical conductivity deriving from hard-soft carbon precursors for enhanced capacitive performance, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 9 (2021) 15925-15934.
5. Beichen Xue, Jiahuan Xu, Zhimin Chen* and Rui Xiao*, Valorizing high-fraction bio-oil to prepare 3D interconnected porous carbon with efficient pore utilization for supercapacitor applications, Fuel Processing Technology 239 (2023) 107538.