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17 2023.10









海外引进国家级高层次人才,2011年被选为英国海洋工程科学技术院院士,2013年被选为国际海洋与极地工程学会技术委员会委员,并担任水下系统、立管、脐带电缆、海底管线(SURF)专题主席。主要从事深海油气工程、海洋可再生清洁能源技术、深海能源与资源开发技术与装备的研究。多次应邀在ISOPEOTC, OMAE等国际海洋能源与资源开发、深海工程学术会议上作特邀学术报告和主持专家论坛。现为中国“科学探索奖”评审专家、全国学科评议专家、霍英东教育基金会高等院校科学奖及教育教学奖评审专家、教育部科技项目及人才与奖励评审专家、科技部科技项目及人才与奖励评审专家。


博士毕业于英国南安普顿大学,随后在英国克兰菲尔德大学从事博士后研究。具有近20年在国外著名大学以及世界名列前茅的跨国集团担任高级技术职务的经历。曾任英国南安普顿大学助理研究员,克兰菲尔德大学副研究员,布鲁耐尔大学研究员,丹麦科技大学研究教授,世界著名深海能源设计咨询公司 Wood 跨国集团总部高级咨询专家、深海柔性立管技术研发经理,Baker Hughes (GE Wellstream) 跨国有限公司高级技术分析家、深海柔性立管技术专家,设计与分析团队负责人,ROSEN跨国集团深海油气立管及脐带电缆总工程师,华南理工大学讲席教授等。主持了多项国内外深海能源与资源开发科研项目。









1.国家自然科学基金重点项目, “深海采矿全柔性立管输运系统设计理论及关键力学问题研究“, 2023/01-2027/12, 项目负责人;
国家重点研发计划,“深海和极地关键技术与装备”重点专项“深海多金属结核新型流态化采矿模式及其原理样机研究”, 2022/01-2025/12, 子课题负责人;
国家重点研发计划,“深海关键技术与装备”重大技术专项“超深水多用途柔性管的研制与示范”, 2016/07-2021/12, 通过验收,首席科学家、项目负责人;
中国工程院战略研究与咨询重大项目,“海南能源清洁化及安全体系中的工程科技问题研究”,2022/04 - 2023/04,课题负责人
海南省重大科技计划项目,“深海稀有金属矿物资源开发利用”, 2022/01-2024/12, 项目负责人;
海南省重点研发计划项目,“基于南海海域的深海温差能开发利用关键技术研究”, 2020/11-2023/11, 项目负责人;
海南省三亚深海科技定向研发科技计划项目,“面向深海立管安全监测的光纤传感海缆系统”, 2021/07-2023/12, 课题负责人;
加拿大哈斯基深海能源跨国集团, 先导性科技研发项目,“南海1500米深海气田海底管线智能检测先导性研发项目”, 2017/05-2018/05, 结题, 项目负责人。


  ● 科研奖励



被选为英国海洋工程科学技术院院士 (Fellow in FIMarEST)2011




1.H Peng, Y Du, F Hu, Z Tian, Y Shen. Thermal management of high concentrator photovoltaic system using a novel double-layer tree-shaped fractal microchannel heat sink. Renewable Energy. 204 (2023), 77-93, 2023. Q1Top
2.N Qiu, J Zhang, C Life
Y Shen, J Fang. Mechanical properties of three-dimensional functionally graded triply periodic minimum surface structures. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 246 (2023), 108118, 2023. Q1Top
3.J Gui, C Li, Y Cao, Z Liu, Y Shen, W Huang, X.; Tian, X. Hybrid solar evaporation system for water and electricity co-generation: Comprehensive utilization of solar and water energy. Nano Energy. 107(2023), 108155, 2023.
4.P Rao, Y Deng, W Fan, J Luo, P Deng, J Li, Y Shen, X Tian. Movable type printing method to synthesize high-entropy single-atom catalysts. Nature Communications. 13, 5071, 2022.
5.H Peng, W Guo, S Feng, Y Shen. A novel thermoelectric energy harvester using gallium as phase change material for spacecraft power application. Applied Energy. 322
2022: 119548, 2022. Q1Top
6.Z Song, Y Shen, M Duan, J Gu. Numerical investigation on the effect of diameter ratio on wake induced vibrations of tandem cylinders. Ocean Engineering. 264:111874, 2022.
7.J Xiao
Y Guo W Luo D Wang S Zhong Y YueC Han R LvJ Feng J Wang W HuangX TianW XiaoY Shen. A scalable, cost-effective and salt-rejecting MoS2 /SA@melamine foam for continuous solar steam generation. Nano Energy. 87: 106213, 2021. Q1Top
8.P Rao, Y Liu, Y Su, M Zhong, K Zhang, J Luo, J Li, C Jia, Y Shen, C Shen, X Tian. S, N co-doped carbon nanotube encased Co NPs as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrocatalysts for zinc-air batteries. Chemical Engineering Journal. 422 (2021): 130135, 2021.
9.Y Yang, Y Yu, J Li, Q Chen, Y Du, P Rao, R Li, C Jia, Z Kang, P Deng, Y Shen, X Tian. Engineering Ruthenium-Based Electrocatalysts for Effective Hydrogen Evolution Reaction. Nano-Micro Letters. 13:160, 2021.
10.C Tian, C Li, D Chen, Y Li, L Xing, X Tian, Y Cao, W Huang, Z Liu, Y Shen. Sandwich hydrogel with confined plasmonic Cu/carbon cells for efficient solar water purification. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 27, 2021.
11.W Ma, Y Du, K Zhang, Y Shen. Application of multi-criteria decision making to sustainable deep-sea mining vertical transport plans. Frontiers in Marine Science. 9:1009834, 2022.
12.W Ma, Y Du, X Liu, Y Shen. Literature review: Multi-criteria decision-making method application for sustainable deep-sea mining transport plans. Ecological Indicators. 140, 109049, 2022.
13.Q Ma, Y Zheng, H Lu, J Li, S Wang, C Wang, Z Wu, Y Shen and X Liu. A Novel Ocean Thermal Energy Driven System for Sustainable Power and Fresh Water Supply. Membranes. 12(2),160, 2022.
14.S Guo, W Chen, D Yan, J Song, Y Shen. Dynamic response and spatial-temporal evolutions of deep-water complex configuration cables with distributed buoyancy modules. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. 54(8), 2210-2223, 2022.
15.Y Shen, M Chen, Y Du, M Li. Key Mechanical issues and technical challenges of deep-sea mining development system. Mechanics in Engineering. 44(5): 1005-1020, 2022.
16.W Ma, K Zhang, Y Du, X Liu, Y Shen. Status of Sustainability Development of Deep-Sea Mining Activities. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 10, 1508, 2022.
17.Y Shen, H Liu. Local buckling failure analysis of deep sea CFRP armour unbonded flexible riser. Proceedings of the 32nd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, June 2022.
18.R Kuang, Y Liu, T An, Y Shen. Numerical analysis of oxidation performance of basalt fiber bundle thermal flow-reversal reactor. Applied Thermal Engineering. 215:118886, 2022.
19.R Kuang, N Huang, G Chen, J Tan, J Liu, Y Shen. Numerical analysis of discharging stability of basalt fiber bundle thermal energy storage tank. Energy Reports. 8:13014-13022, 2022.
20.W Chen, S Guo, Y Li, Y Gai, Y Shen. Structural configurations and dynamic performances of flexible riser with distributed buoyancy modules based on FEM simulations. International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. 13( 2021): 650-658, 2021.
21.W Chen, S Guo, Y Li, Y Shen. Impacts of mooring-lines hysteresis on dynamic response of spar floating wind turbine. Energies. 14(8): 2109, 2021.
22.G Pang, C Chen, Y Shen. Equivalent calculation of critical collapse pressure of flexible pipes and parametric analysis of collapse influence factors. Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice. 12(1), 2021.
23.Z Song, Y Shen, M Duan, J Gu. Prediction of the Dynamic Response of a Long Flexible Riser under External and Internal Flow: Integral Transform Solution. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 809 (2021) 012005, 2021.
24.Y Liu, P Rao, M Zhong, R Li; J Li; Y Du; Y Deng; Y Shen; X Tian. Porous carbon polyhedrons with exclusive Cu-Nx moieties as highly effective electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reactions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 46(55): 28021-28027, 2021.
25.R Li, F Zheng, P Rao, J Luo, Y Du, C Jia, J Li, P Deng, Y Shen, X Tian. Synthesis of Iron and Phosphorous-Embedded Nitrogen-Containing Porous Carbon as an Efficient Electrocatalyst for Microbial Fuel Cells. ChemElectroChem, 8, 4108-4115, 2021.
26.H Chen, P Yang, Y Shen. Vibration Power Flow of an Infinite Cylindrical Shell Submerged in Viscous Fluids. Shock and Vibration. 2020(2): 1-14
27.Y Yang, C Chen, G Pang, Y Shen. Fatigue life assessment of tubular joints for jacket platforms considering corrosion. Proceedings of 30th the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference. June 2020.
28.C Chen, Y Yang, Y Shen. Study on the Hydrodynamic Responses of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations with Different Shapes. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), ISSN: 1098-6189
Hawaii, USA, June 2019
29.X Yan, C Chen, T Fan, Y Shen. Optimum Design of Mooring System of a Semi-Submersible Wind Turbine for Maximising its Fatigue Life. Proceedings of the 29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), ISSN 1098-6189, Hawaii, USA, June 2019.
30.Y Ma, C Chen, X Yan, Y Shen, T Fan. Analysis on hydrodynamic responses of a spar offshore wind turbine with an innovative type of mooring system. Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering
OMAE, Glasgow, UK. June 2019.
31.G Pang, C Chen, Y Shen. Nonlinear numerical simulation for flexible pipes carcass wet collapse. Journal of Ship Mechanics, 23(12)
1516-1527, 2019.
32.Y Shen, T Hill. Encyclopedia of Marine and Offshore Engineering (EMOE): Section - Flexible Riser, published by John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2, 2018.
33.Y Shen. Encyclopedia of Marine and Offshore Engineering (EMOE) : Section - Floating Structures - SPAR , published by John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-1-118-47635-2, 2018.
34.Y Shen, A Burton, P Birkinshaw, R Palmer-Jones. Influence of Gap Span Creep Behavior of Polymer Barrier Layer on Service Life in the HPHT Deepwater Unbonded Flexible Risers. Proceedings of the 28th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), ISSN: 1098-6189, Sapporo, Japan, June 2018.
35.Y Shen, P Birkinshaw, R Palmer-Jones. Challenges in Offshore Pipeline Decommissioning and What can we learn from Integrity Management Practices. Proceedings of the 27th International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), ISSN: 1098-6189, San Francisco, USA, June 2017.
36.Y Shen, A Burton, P Birkinshaw, R Palmer-Jones. Technical challenges of Inline Inspection of offshore unbonded flexible pipes and enhancement of integrity management practices. International Pipeline Conference and Exposition. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2017.


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